Dog school BADEN
What we stand for:

Code of conduct for dog owners:
We take our dog on a leash within the settlement area, especially on the way to school, near kindergartens, school buildings, playgrounds, sports facilities and along streets (or, if we are obedient, 'on foot').
We make sure that our dog does not bother anyone. When we cross or overtake passers-by,
we lead our dog on the leash on the opposite side, or 'in the foot'. This applies in particular to encounters with athletes, mothers with prams and small children, or older or disabled people.
We train our dog to walk on a loose leash.
We only let our dog run loose when we can reliably retrieve him at any time. During the run, our dog is always in our field of vision. In unclear places (e.g. bends in the path) we keep the dog with us until we can see the situation again.
We are friendly to those around us, and if someone asks us to put the dog on a leash, we do so immediately.
If we meet a dog owner who is walking their four-legged friend on a leash, we put our dog on a leash immediately and without being asked.
Our dog does not run through someone else's gardens or cultivated land. We do not leave any items used in the game in the meadow (e.g.: sticks).
To protect wildlife, we keep our dogs on a leash in the forest and in regions close to the forest, as well as in nature reserves.
We do not play with our dog when small children or other dogs/animals are present. As a rule, we never leave our dog unattended in the presence of children.
We prevent undesirable hunting and herding behavior by our dog (animals, people on the move, vehicles, etc.), the same applies to protective behavior that is not adapted to the situation.
If several dogs are out and about together, we prevent them from rushing towards oncoming dogs in a pack.
When entering or leaving rooms of any kind (e.g. apartment/house, restaurants, elevator, public transport, etc.), our dog walks behind us on a loose leash.
We train our dog so that he can wait for us without barking/howling.
We dispose of the remains of our four-legged friend in a waste bag provided for this purpose in the waste bin and make sure that he does not pee in inappropriate places (eg: house entrances, other people's objects, etc.)
In the event of conflicts, we maintain a polite manner and assume damage caused by our dog.
Source: Sonja Doll Hadorn